Monday, May 21, 2012

A Geno Wha?

I didn't know and, quite frankly, I didn't care about what a genogram was before this assignment. I always left the family history to my grandparents and thought, "Well, until they are gone or no longer capable of doing it, I might as well leave it to them! After all, they've got all of the time in the world." But as I've been completing this assignment, I've been calling family. I have found out some very interesting things about my family. It really gives me something to think about. In fact, it got me thinking so much that I went so far as to ask my grandmas, as far as they had seen in their own marriages and in that of their children's, what makes a successful marriage successful and vice versa? Both of them said "communication", imagine that. It's sad and ironic how everybody says that but so many marriages fail because of a lack of communication. This project has renewed my determination to be the best wife I can be, be honest and open with my husband, and to treat him the way a loving and loved husband should be.

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