Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last Little Bit

Well it's the end of the semester and we've actually reached that point! I'm going on to get married and who knows what the rest of you are planning on doing, but I wish you all the best of luck doing it! While I was doing my Top 10 assignment and was remembering bits and pieces of what we've learned my gratitude for the things we were taught in this class grew and I realized that there truly are some gems that I know will help me throughout my family life. Yay!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Remarried Families

The discussions that we've had in class, as always, have made me a little nervous. I think that that is simply because they make me more aware, but I also have a few more tools under my belt. 1) I can be better about understanding the plights and difficulties that remarried families are having 2) I have ways to help others or, heaven forbid, myself to adjust to those changes successfully and 3) If I would have thought 80 times before getting a divorce before, I'll think 81 times now. I never considered it but now I'll consider it even less now, unless of course it's absolutely necessary.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Patience in Parenting

Brother Williams's story today about some of his parenting experiences really made me think a lot about how I'm going to parent. I've had quite a bit of practice with my niece and nephew as well as with my younger siblings, and I have to say for myself that I have gotten much more patient. However, I know that I have a lot of work to do when it comes to being prepared for parenting. What gave me a lot of peace, however, was when he was talking about the promptings and voices he heard in intense and important situations. I know that these children that I'll have are first and foremost Heavenly Father's children and He will give me everything I need to raise them successfully.